only a little was to be removed

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    • only a little was to be removed

      Many local supporters of genital mutilation regard the procedure in Singapore as a “small cut” that causes no harm to the female child. But Dobson says that while some may not experience extreme health consequences, the procedure always has risks. “It can often lead to physical and psychological impacts, such as severe blood loss, scarring, infections, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression,” she says.
      Bei Jungen etwa nicht?

      Dobson says. In 2013, Singapore’s Islamic Religious Council, the Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS), released a statement saying that both male and female cutting were compulsory
      Ach so, es hieß doch immer, bei Mädchen wäre das nicht religiös vorgeschrieben?

      Rizman’s daughter was cut in a clinic in 2014 by a doctor who was a Muslim woman. The little girl was laid on the bed, and the doctor said it would be done very quickly and “only a little was to be removed”.
      He says everything was done hygienically and seemed professional. The doctor said prayers before the procedure, which put Rizman’s mind at rest over the religious aspect.
      Dieses "klitzekleine Stückerl Haut", dieser "winzige Hautfetzen" , was bei Mödchen noch viel kleiner ist als bei Jungen. "hygienisch und professionell"- wird bei Jungen immer als großer Vorteil der Lagalität genannt.

      I read somewhere there were claims that the part that was removed was cut off to desensitise the clitoris,” he says.
      Die Klitoris-Eichel, und bei Jungen die Penis-Eichel.

      Gut, dass Aktivistinnen die GM von Mädchen in Malaysia anprangern. Es wird Zeit, dass auch die GM von Jungen angeprangert wird.…apore-religious-necessity
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.