Ein Jahr vor Köln: der San Francisco Bay Blues

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    • Ein Jahr vor Köln: der San Francisco Bay Blues

      2011, ein Jahr vor Köln, hätte es in Kalifornien bereits einen großen Durchbruch für Kinderrechte geben können.


      Brad Sherman, 65....

      In 2011, he introduced a bill to keep cities from banning circumcision after San Francisco considered the prohibition.

      The Committee Opposing Forced Male Circumcision, which backed the measure that ultimately was stricken from the Nov. 8 ballot in July by a Superior Court judge, spent $14,000 on their efforts, according to recent filings with the San Francisco Ethics Commis-sion, covering political activity through the end of September.
      The filings show the Committee for Parental Choice and Religious Freedom, the political action committee organized by the S.F.-based Jewish Community Relations Council to wage a fight against the ballot measure, spent nearly $99,000 on its efforts.
      Wie sang Randy Newman noch einst?

      It's money that matters - in the USA
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da