"A simple, one-time, risk-slashing procedure"

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    • "A simple, one-time, risk-slashing procedure"

      Da rollen sich einem die Fußnägel auf:

      Washington Post schrieb:

      In addition, infections have come down as a result of other strategies supported by PEPFAR, including expanded testing and treatment programs, pre-exposure prophylaxis (known as PrEP) and provision of voluntary medical male circumcision, a simple, one-time, risk-slashing procedure.

      Now all of that progress, much of it paid for by American taxpayers...
      Ja, one time, leider lässt sich das nicht rückgängig machen. "Risk slashing" - das Risiko scharf absenkend? Daran gibt es jede Menge Zweifel.

      "Voluntary", freiwillig, das ist der Hohn.

      CDC schrieb:

      Health officials say that not only will infant circumcision help protect boys from HIV when they become sexually active later in life, but that it also protects infants and boys from serious health complications such as urinary tract infections and paraphimosis, a condition that can lead to pain and swelling of the penis and may require surgery.
      The U.S. government through the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has supported Botswana’s SMC program from its inception in 2009 with nearly $25 million and technical assistance over the past five years.
      Kiekste? SMC, da fehlt auf einmal das "V"!
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.