Circumcision requirement in children with phimosis

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    • Circumcision requirement in children with phimosis

      Wohlgemerkt, diese Studie kommt aus der Türkei

      Objective: Phimosis is define as unretractable prepuce and has two different clinical presentation; pathological (PaP) and physiological. Physiological phimosis (PhP) is a common condition in children that does not require treatment. In our study, we aimed to determine the actual requirement for circumcision in patients with phimosis who were recommended circumcision.

      Material and Methods: Children who were offered circumcision due to phimosis between July 2019 and January 2020 and applied to the pediatric surgery and pediatric urology outpatient clinic were included in the study. They were evaluated in terms of referring physicians, genital examination findings and requirement for circumcision.

      Results: Between the study dates, 199 patients applied for circumcision due to phimosis. 126 patients are under one year old, 73 patients are over one year old. PhP was present in 194 of the patients and PaP in 5 of them. While PaP is not detected in patients under one year of age, there are 5 patients with PaP over one year of age (2%). There was no requirement for urgent circumcision in any of the patients. Genital examination revealed incidentally undescended testicle in 3 patients and hydrocele in 12 children.

      Conclusion: Male genital system examination and pathological findings are not well known by physicians. We think that there is a need for detailed training for physicians regarding PhP and childhood testicle pathologies.
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.