Laura M. Carpenter: "On remedicalisation: male circumcision in the United States and Great Britain"

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    • Laura M. Carpenter: "On remedicalisation: male circumcision in the United States and Great Britain"

      Was man alles so findet!

      Interessanter, sehr ausführlicher Text von 2010.
      "Medicalisation, demedicalisation, and remedicalisation" - ein tragikomisches Possenspiel.

      Wem es beim Lesen des Textes noch nicht wie Schuppen von den Augen fällt, dem ist nicht zu helfen.

      Laura M. Carpenter schrieb:

      Despite an overall trend towards medicalisation, the process is not unidirectional. Conditions that have come to be understood in terms of health and illness can (theoretically) be redefined again in non‐medical terms. Fox (1977) conceptualises this as a cyclical ‘medicalisation‐demedicalisation process’. Yet, homosexuality and masturbation are two of the only documented examples of complete demedicalisation (Conrad and Angell 2004)....

      Furthermore, given the recent vintage of demedicalisation in the US, that medical community includes more pro‐circumcision ‘holdovers’ to promote remedicalisation. Even before the HIV‐circumcision studies, these holdovers had succeeded in adding ‘benefits’ to AAP’s position on circumcision.....

      ....religious minorities have an incentive to favour (re)medicalisation of circumcision for preventive health because it normalises and justifies their ritual practices....

      Gender, social class, race, and age powerfully affect (de/re)medicalisation dynamics. Circumcision represents an early effort to medicalise male bodies. My analysis suggests that this effort succeeded largely because the males in question were boys, possessed of little social power, and because middle‐ and upper‐class parents initially supported medicalisation....

      Comparing the trajectories of homosexuality and circumcision illuminates (de/re)medicalisation dynamics. Medical organisations’ official policies helped to demedicalise both practices (with rank‐and‐file physicians’ co‐operation). But where holdovers promoting medicalisation of homosexuality have been relatively unsuccessful, pro‐circumcision holdovers in the US have been highly influential. Conversely, grassroots circumcision opponents have been less effective than gay rights activists at resisting remedicalisation.....

      This comparative analysis has indicated that (de/re)medicalisation processes, and the engines driving them, may differ across social contexts, thus highlighting the utility of cross‐national research. The case of circumcision recommends theorising the life cycle of medicalisation and argues for carefully considering the prevalence and duration of specific medicalised practices. My findings moreover suggest that medical professional ‘holdovers’ from previous phases of medicalisation be attended to more closely. Whether the ‘owners’ of non‐medical interpretations of a practice embrace or reject those interpretations merits further study, too. Finally, scholars should consider whether phenomena that are medicalised because of their ostensibly preventive effects represent a new category of medicalisation.....
      Als sich der Wind drehte, hat man flugs das Kaninchen "HIV-Prävention" aus dem Hut gezaubert, simsalabim! Und - hat funktioniert.
      Und so kam 2012 die neue AAP-Richtlinie dann auch "just in time" um die Abgeordneten des Bundestags über den Tisch zu ziehen.

      Alles eigentlich sehr durchschaubar. Aber nur dann, wenn man überhaupt schauen will.

      Man könnte es auch "die Re-Pathologisierung der Vorhaut" nennen. Man darf gespannt sein, ob interessierte Kreise es in Zukunft schaffen, der Klitorisvorhaut oder anderen Genitalteilen von Mädchen was ans Zeug zu flicken. =O
      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.