Chopped: The Colonial and Scientifically Dubious Circumcision of Millions of African Men

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    • Chopped: The Colonial and Scientifically Dubious Circumcision of Millions of African Men

      Man führt schon seit langer Zeit nur Gutes im Schilde: (Ironie)
      Not to be outdone, the Maryland Medical Journal staff also published an article they titled "Circumcision for the correction of sexual crimes among the Negro race." They made no secret of their intention: the black man's foreskin, which they affectedly referred to as a "prepuce", had to go. They wrote, "The brutal and uncontrollable passion of the Negro has been traced to a variety of causes, the chief of which has been referred to as a perversion of his sexual instincts and ungoverned sexual passion. An enlarged prepuce is assigned as the most frequent cause of irritation, and its removal ...will lead to the stopping of sexual crimes and to the moral improvement of the race."
      This was not going to be the last time circumcision would be suggested as a quick fix to problems.
      Nein, das kann man wirklich nicht sagen.

      From the 6th to the 8th of March 2007, the World Health Organisation, UNAIDS and other international organizations met in Switzerland's Montreux, did not deliberate but simply decided to push medical male circumcision. But there is nothing like a strictly medical circumcision; circumcisions are political. Peter Aggleton has argued, "...male circumcision - like its counterpart female genital mutilation - is nearly always a strongly political act, enacted upon others by those with power..." Those with power, therefore, sat and enacted.…-a-disaster-in-the-making
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.
    • "that the prevalence of HIV was 12.0% among intact men and 12.3% in circumcised men."

      Schön. Kann ich aus eigener Erfahrung gut verstehen. Sex mit Kondom ist für mich nicht möglich. Da 'kann' ich sogar Stunden. Wird vielen von denen wohl auch so gehen und dann benutzt man halt gar keine 100% Aidsschutzhüllen mehr. (bei Beschnittenen 105%)
      Freut mich wenn das nach hinten losgeht. Und mein Beileid an die Bevölkerung Afrikas...
      NoPhimoseMan hat eine Super-Phimose-Immunität.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von NoPhimoseMan ()