Auch am Verbot von GGM wird verstärkt gesägt

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    • Auch am Verbot von GGM wird verstärkt gesägt

      Natürlich im Namen der "Gleichberechtigung" resp. Gleichentrechtigung von Kindern.

      MariaCaterina La Barbera focuses in her article on the latter. She discusses the highly politicised and contested notion of ‘female genital mutilation’, or alternatively ‘female genital modifications’ (FGM), in relation to the practice and transformation of this ritual in the diaspora of communities with an African background. By contrasting plastic surgery and its public acceptance, on the one hand, and FGM and its homogenisation and public condemnation, on the other hand, she reveals a western-centric interpretation of female bodily integrity as underlying the criminalisation of the ritual modifications of female genitalia. More importantly, she analyses how this approach not only fails to protect girls and young women but also prevents the social transformation of these ritual practices from within the community. Women´s bodies become a symbolic battlefield of cultural differences, belonging, resistance, and situated women´s emancipation. Feminism is a part of these disputes and La Barbera argues that numerous feminist debates simplify FGM by deeming it a patriarchal practice of control over women’s bodies without including women from the communities that practice FGM in the debate, thus, reproducing the paternalistic approach towards non-western cultures. While recognising the harmful extent of some forms of FGM, she argues that the failure to differentiate between the various modifications of female genitalia and to expose the structures of dominance and oppression influencing an interpretation of acceptable and unacceptable practices hinders the introduction of alternative practices, such as initiation without cutting or ritual cutting in a hospital environment in a form comparable to male circumcision. In conclusion, La Barbera argues that there is a continuum of practices of bodily modifications and argues for a community-based approach that respects the meaning of ritual initiation and at the same time protects women’s rights for self-determination.…onal-migration-and-gender
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.