"Turkish World Foundation for Circumcision"

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    • "Turkish World Foundation for Circumcision"

      Turkish World Foundation for Circumcision - hat da jemand nähere Infos? Wenn man danach googelt, findet man nicht viel. Vielleicht müsste man auf türkisch gogeln?

      President of the Turkish World Foundation for Circumcision, Dr Fatih Soydemir said their intention was to continue with the initiative in the coming years to demonstrate their keenness to maintain a strong bond with the Zimbabwean community.
      Hört sich so an, als würden die nicht nur bohren, sondern auch schneiden.


      Dabei bin ich auf das gestoßen. leider sind die Google-Übersetzungen aus dem Türkischen offenbar besonders holprig:

      Google Übers. schrieb:

      1000 African circumcision organization in need of healthy volunteers will be held with the participation of doctors and medical teams from Turkey aimed to be child circumcision.....

      Philanthropists can support the circumcision of a child in need as support through the following online donation.
      Thank you to all charity owners for their support.

      Google Übers. schrieb:

      Last Diversity Diversity Association of movement for African Center for Turkey and the Mediterranean Region Team, those living in Africa, primarily in the interior of the half a million of death faced with the risk of two million to organize in 1000 a boy circumcision organization of the child and Africa with the aim to provide medical services during a visit to Benin found. In addition, on February 15-22, Circumcision Week was proclaimed as the World Circumcision Week. He explained the importance of circumcision for boys in terms of health and made it popular for African children as required by our religion.

      Natürlich sind auf den Photos immer begeisterte Jungen-Gesichter zu sehen. <X
      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.