Circumcision related complications are common in our region.

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    • Circumcision related complications are common in our region.

      Von wegen "safe" medical circumcision:

      Data was prospectively obtained from all male children presenting with malcircumcisions or circumcision related complications in three tertiary health facilities in southern Nigeria
      Conclusion Circumcision related complications are common in our region.
      Penile amputation, urethral loss, and fistulae are the most challenging complications
      There is need to educate the health workers and general public on the hazard of untrained circumcisionists.
      Blödsinn. Einfach aufhören mit dieser Verstümmelung. Kein Schnitt, keine Blutung, keine Infektion, keine Fistel, keine Penis-Amputation.…lcircumcisions_and.5.aspx
      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.