It was an attempt to bring attention to the mutilation of male genitals, which is a crime

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    • It was an attempt to bring attention to the mutilation of male genitals, which is a crime

      Ex-Tory Party consultant fined £6,000 for protesting against male circumcision

      ‘The justice system just will not protect these young minors. It is absolutely scandalous that it refuses to do so.

      ‘It forces people to do things they wouldn’t wish to do otherwise.’

      ‘Standing there clearly put him at risk of serious injury – and he understood that risk, and was determined to take it – but it also put others at risk of injury or risked damage to property.’
      Das ist ja genau die Definition von Genitalverstümmelung. To put others at risk - und damage to property entsteht zu 100%

      Es werden ganz klar die falschen bestraft…ale-circumcision-7714538/
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.