Prepuce sparing: Use of Z-plasty for treatment of phimosis and scarred foreskin

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    • Prepuce sparing: Use of Z-plasty for treatment of phimosis and scarred foreskin

      Michael Benson
      Moneer K.Hanna
      Introduction and objectives

      The desire to preserve the prepuce is often based on cultural norms. Recently, the concept of “genital autonomy” has been invoked to delay circumcision (or any genital altering procedure) until the individual reaches maturity and can make his or her own decision. However, some uncircumcised boys develop one or more episodes of balanitis resulting in scarring of the prepuce and pathologic phimosis which is difficult to treat. Herein we report on the management of severe phimosis and preputial scarring using preputial Z-plasties.


      All patients healed satisfactorily, without infection, hematoma, or flap necrosis. One child developed mild scarring which responded to local steroid application. At follow-up evaluation, ranging from 6 to 24 months, the prepuce was fully retractable in all patients
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