Lustige Vorhaut-Anekdoten aus den USA

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    • Lustige Vorhaut-Anekdoten aus den USA

      Ja, in den USA gibt es tatsächlich intakte Männer!
      Was sie so erleben scheint das mit der Stigmatisierung und dem "bullying" ziemlicher Quatsch zu sein:

      Yes, I was born in San Francisco and grew up in Berkeley California — ironically my parents are Jewish.
      I feel fine about. I didn't know the difference until I was about 14. I always wondered why porn penises looked different.
      What’s the best reaction you’ve ever gotten from a partner about being uncircumcised?
      A girl asked me if she could play with it...and then proceeded to play with it for a few minutes like she'd never seen a penis before.
      [The woman who didn’t know, mentioned above, was the best reaction] She had no idea I wasn't and was so embarrassed. She had a preconceived notion about them being gross and after two years, hadn't noticed I wasn't. It totally changed her opinion, obviously.

      Have you ever considered adult circumcision?
      Man 1: No. Absolutely not. I can't see any possible upside to it.
      Man 2: No way. Absolutely not.
      Man 3: Absolutely not.
      Man 4: No. If it ever caused a medical issue I would obviously consider it and take a doctor’s recommendation. Besides that I see absolutely no reason to get it done.
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da