Beschneidungsindustrie entdeckt neuen Markt

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    • Beschneidungsindustrie entdeckt neuen Markt

      Recent studies found that NMC was rarely performed in Thailand..
      Ei, so was! Eine MARKTLÜCKE!

      Unfortunately, MC is not considered desirable by all boys and young men and acceptance rates range from 29% in Uganda to 87% in Swaziland of surveyed African men
      Frechheit! Die wollen das einfach nicht! Trotz eingehender Beschwatzung durch jungen Damen (die Fangprämien bekommen) und "Incentives"
      Recruitment of patients is easier as most babies are born in health care settings.
      Viel einfacher! Babys braucht man ja gar nicht zu fragen!
      Major concerns included possible medical complications of NMC, infringement of child rights, and lack of understanding from staff and parents.
      There is significant preparation that needs to be done before NMC can be introduced in the country.
      Man beachte die Literaturreferenzen, da ist alles dabei, Auvert, Bailey, Moses, Krieger, Tobian, Gray....

      However, the majority (~ 90%) Buddhist population does not practice either MC or child circumcision. So, one would presume that the general population is not familiar with the benefits or complications of NMC.
      Dafür kennen die die Vorteile und den Nutzen eines intakten Genitals.

      A nurse stated that

      “Don’t agree, I don’t agree. I feel bad for the infants. It causes them pain and may create long-term bad memories, which we might not know about. It also violates the child’s rights. We don’t know what they would feel in the future”
      So einen Quatsch muss man denen natürlich noch ausreden, wozu gibt es ausgebuffte PR-Agenturen?

      This education should make the case that NMC is preferable to MC performed at a later age because recovery is faster,...
      Bullshit, darum geht es nicht. Babys können nicht widersprechen, that's all, folks!

      Diese Leute sind regelrecht besessen davon, alles Männliche in der Welt zu verstümmeln... *Brech*


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      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.