Girls and boys as Victims: asymmetries and dynamics in European public discourses on genital modifications in children

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    • Girls and boys as Victims: asymmetries and dynamics in European public discourses on genital modifications in children

      Interessanter, langer Text von Sara Johnsdotter, Malmö:

      Sooner or later, European societies need to respond to the following questions,
      which, in reality, are one and the same question formulated from different perspectives:

      - Why should girls not enjoy the same opportunities as boys to be incorporated
      into cultural and religious communities through a ritual involving minor cutting
      of their genitals?
      - Why should boys not have the same legal protection as girls against non-medically
      motivated alterations of their genitals?
      Ab Seite 31:…21_web-COP-1.pdf#page=135
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da
    • The
      Parliamentary Assembly welcomes the work undertaken by the Council to eliminate
      all forms of violence against children (resulting in Resolution 1952) but points out
      that ‘a certain category of human rights violations against children is not yet explic-
      itly covered by any international or European policy or legal instrument’ (section 3,
      Council of Europe, 2013c).
      Bloß keine Namen nennen, was für eine Herumdruckserei...

      Wie die Lobby den Europarat "wieder hingekriegt" hat, war besonders erschreckend.
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da