Domashevskiy: "Ethics Pertaining to the Legalities of Male Routine Infant Circumcision and Surrogate Consent to Non-Therapeutic Surgery"

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    • Domashevskiy: "Ethics Pertaining to the Legalities of Male Routine Infant Circumcision and Surrogate Consent to Non-Therapeutic Surgery"

      Es fängt gut an:

      Every mammal, male and female, is born with a prepuce (foreskin)
      [1]. It is illegal to remove or alter in any way the foreskin of any
      mammal other than a human male child without an explicit medical

      Und geht gut weiter!

      The American Academy of Pediatrics limits
      the power of surrogate consent to providing “informed permission for
      diagnosis and treatment of children” [86], and contains the following
      A physical complaint; followed by
      A diagnosis by a medical doctor; followed by
      A medical recommendation for treatment; followed by
      A trial of conservative treatment; followed by
      A recommendation for [circumcision], only after conservative
      treatment fails,
      and where [circumcision] is proven to be
      effective; followed by
      Presentation of all relevant material information; followed by
      Granting of consent by the surrogate [86].
      Und gleichzeitig rechtfertigt die AAP nicht-indizierte Genitalverstümmelungen von Jungen. Soll man lachen oder weinen?

      Ethics As It Pertains to the Role of the Parents
      The role of the parent has changed drastically throughout history; it
      was once universally thought that children are the possessions of their
      parents. This is clearly erroneous and can be disproved with a simple
      logical statement; no possession ceases to be yours simply upon
      attaining a certain age. The modern role of the parent, as charged by
      society, it to maintain the bodily, mental, and spiritual health of the
      child, along with their rights and interests, until that child reaches the
      age when they may make decisions for themselves. Maintaining a child
      of sound mind and body, is in the best interests of the child, parents,

      Aber lest selbst! Es lohnt sich! :thumbup:…e6cc908aeea19593a2f15.pdf
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da