There's nothing wrong with sex that doesn't include a male orgasm

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    • There's nothing wrong with sex that doesn't include a male orgasm

      Man muss sich das nur schönreden/denken (was bleibt einem auch anders übrig?)

      Man C: It's medical. I had a urinary issue when I was 9 and a circumcision was recommended by the doctor. That late circumcision seems to have had considerable impact on me as I have very limited feeling in my penis.
      Man C: So often you're told that you're just not doing it right, or someone tells you that they know how to do it and can make you orgasm. Basically, if you don't orgasm, you're told that your experience of sex is somehow "wrong." I get lots of pleasure out of sex, and I've had some beautiful and loving partners who I am forever grateful to; I just happen to not experience one component of it. I'm still attracted to someone, I'm still motivated by the same physical desires for them, and I still seek to give and receive pleasure through sex.

      "I have very limited feeling in my penis" - aber ist schon OK...
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.