the Wacky, Wrinkly World of Foreskin Restoration

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    • the Wacky, Wrinkly World of Foreskin Restoration

      Carl was circumcised at birth like his father, who was Jewish.
      ... Carl, it wasn't just a tiny bit of extra skin. "Even then I remember thinking that this was fucked up," he says, now pacing the living room. "Even then I was shocked that this happened to me."As Carl aged, his dissatisfaction grew. Masturbation was painful, and sex was less enjoyable than he thought it should be. It took longer to reach orgasm, and putting on a condom became the equivalent of a shot of Novocain.

      When he went to his urologist and explained what he was doing to restore his foreskin, the doctor dismissed the notion that foreskin restoration was even possible.

      The process is more difficult, emotionally and physically, than most restorers realize when they start out. The discipline required over many months, and the discomfort that must be endured, can make sticking with it a herculean feat.

      "It can be overwhelming — depressing, even — to think about it and all the work you still have to do," he says. "I stay positive and keep trying to grow back some more foreskin."
      Carl is determined, excited to put the devices on again tomorrow. Because 2015 is his year, the Year of the Foreskin.…eskin-restoration-7747950
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.