Reform ist was anderes

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    • Reform ist was anderes

      Reform oder Gegenreform?

      Yet this practice survives. Indeed, berit milah is enjoying somewhat of a renaissance in our Movement.

      Wenigstens gibt mal einer zu, dass auch gar nicht so wenige Juden gegen diese Menschenrechtsverletzung sind, sonst wird ja gerne so getan, als wären alle Juden wunschlos glücklich damit:

      And it is difficult to imagine any ceremony that stands more at odds with the views and habits of modern civilization than berit milah, ritual circumcision. Critics of the procedure, including a not-insignificant number of Jews, condemn it as a gruesome and dangerous procedure, some calling it “genital mutilation.” Many would add that a ritual from which females are naturally excluded calls into question our Reform Jewish commitment to gender equality.

      In an era when the forces of cultural assimilation pose such a daunting challenge to our continued existence as a distinct people, this admittedly ancient tribal custom bears a message that we do well to hear.

      Das erinnert irgendwie an Konrad Adenauer: "Die Lage war noch nie so ernst!".
      Das kann man in jedem Jahrhundert und jedem Jahrtausend sagen, und es wird in jedem Jahrhundert und jedem Jahrtausend gesagt.

      Reform ist was anderes.

      Aber halt!

      Es gibt eine Reform! Endlich werden auch Mädchen... B'rit Bat! Gleichberechtigung!

      A few congregations began to create their own ceremonies for girls, and the popularity of the idea quickly made it a widespread practice among many Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist families.

      Sample Ceremony

      The ceremony may be held on the eighth day or at a later time, and may include creative readings and other elements that reflect the hopes and dreams of the parents for their daughter. They ceremony may include a rabbi or cantor as the leader, or the family may opt to design and lead a service themselves.

      A b'rit bat might include these components and/or others that are meaningful to the parents or other family members:

      Prayers of Welcome and Thanksgiving

      A blessing of welcome:

      Baruch haba.

      Blessed be the child whom we now welcome.

      A blessing recited by the mother:

      Baruch ata Adonai, Ehloheinu mehlech ha'olam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu l'hachnisah bi'v'rit hachayim.

      We praise you, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe: You hallow us with Your Mitzvot, and command us to bring our daughters into the Covenant of Life.

      A blessing recited by the father:

      usw, usw,...

      Toll! Wunderschön! Sehr feierlich! Würde sich doch auch prima für Jungen eignen!
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.