Georgios Pergamalis et al.: Management of non Retractile Foreskin. A 10-Year Experience

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    • Georgios Pergamalis et al.: Management of non Retractile Foreskin. A 10-Year Experience

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      Of the 204 children in which no intervention was realized, 122 (60%) were followed up 3-7 years later and the foreskin automatically opened at 75%. 404 children (82.8%) in Group B responded to treatment with betamethasone cream while, in Group C the preputial opening resulted from a combination of betamethasone and preputioplasty for 11% (two children) of the study group. Out of all 608 children, 90 children (14.8%) underwent preputioplasty and 17 children (2.9%) circumcision.…2a76a3cc7cf63.pdf#page=29
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.