Circumcision is a form of mutilation

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    • Circumcision is a form of mutilation

      Circumcision of men and boys, in the opinion of the member, is genital mutilation no different from the widely condemned practice of genital mutilation of women and girls. Tradition or no tradition, religious or otherwise, in either sex it is cruel, atavistic and primitive. Other than in the relatively rare event of the medical condition paraphimosis and a number of infections, there is no reason to perform circumcision other than to establish dominance.

      The same goes for the practice of adult male medical circumcision (MMC) under the ruse of preventing HIV transmission from women to men, except here medical men act as a class to force into submission uninformed men in what the Department of Health describes as low-income areas.

      ON THE WATER: Circumcision is a form of mutilation | Columnists | BDlive
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da