We will fight so that there won't be a single Jewish boy in Europe who doesn't have a circumcision

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    • We will fight so that there won't be a single Jewish boy in Europe who doesn't have a circumcision

      Shocking Figures Cite 85% Assimilation Rate in Europe
      Rabbis lament 'spiritual holocaust'

      "I certainly think we can call the opponents to brit milah and shechita anti-Semites.

      Deputy Religious Services Minister Eli Ben-Dahan presented a different counter-measure to the difficulties of Jewish life in Europe, calling on European Jews to leave and immigrate to Israel or face disappearing.

      Seltsam, die machen doch genau das Gegenteil - ca. 30.000 Israelis sollen in den letzten Jahren alleine nach Berlin gekommen sein. Also quasi direkt ins Bermuda Dreieck.

      ...worse that the physical Holocaust that we saw

      Boah! :whistling:

      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da