Die große Verarsche in Afrika

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    • Die große Verarsche in Afrika

      A Qualitative Study on the Low Utilization of Male Circumcision Services in Kwaluseni, Swaziland

      Alfred Khehla Wayne Adams

      The DHS (2006) of Swaziland also reported that HIV prevalence among circumcised men is 22% and 20% for uncircumcised men. It is argued that this was probably due to the fact that those who were circumcised had not removed their entire foreskin as it is done in medical settings. I find this explanation not credible. In Swaziland, the so called ‘bush circumcisions’ are extremely rare. MC is mostly offered in medical settings so the majority of those who were circumcised were circumcised by medical professionals and they normally remove the whole foreskin.

      Findings from the 18 countries with data present a mixed picture of the association between male circumcision and HIV prevalence. In eight of the countries (Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, and Uganda), HIV prevalence is higher among men who are not circumcised, although the difference between circumcised and non-circumcised men is slight, except in Kenya, where the difference is substantial (HIV prevalence of 11.5 percent for non-circumcised men compared with 3.1 percent for circumcised men). In 10 of the countries—Cameroon, Guinea, Haiti, Lesotho, Malawi, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe—HIV prevalence is higher among circumcised men.

      Cumulative probabilities of female HIV infection at 24 months were 21·7% (95% CI 12·7-33·4) in the intervention group and 13·4% (6·7-25·8) in the control group (adjusted hazard ratio 1·49, 95% CI 0·62-3·57; p=0·368) (Wawer et al. 2009). From this trial, it means that MC increases the probability of male to female HIV transmission if the male is circumcised while HIV positive.For some reason, results from such studies seem to be obfuscated and MC campaigns in Swaziland do not warn women about this. I find this ethically wrong.

      The authors concluded that “among uncircumcised men who intended to get circumcised in the future,72.4% intended to get circumcised in the next 12 months” (PSI 2010:6). I argue that their study suffered from desirability bias.
      PSI is arguably one of the leading NGOs in the country in providing MC and other HIV prevention interventions.

      Also, in some cases PSI and other NGOs implementing MC have used incentives to lure males to come for MC.

      Even more worrisome, circumcised men were more likely to report a high number of lifetime partners. This indicates that this feeling of security is transformed into dangerous practices.

      Since most of the circumcised men stated that MC actually decreases their sensitivity during sex, they argued that there were other ways to improve their sex life. These strategies ranged from using lubricants during sex, trying different sex positions and not using condoms for better sensitivity. According to both circumcised and uncircumcised men, the penis head gets harder and consequently less sensitive. The notion that the penis head gets keratinized (Dinh et al. 2010) sparked more response from the uncircumcised men. An uncircumcised male who had just completed his high school education said:
      Those that are circumcised say that in bed it is good for the woman to sleep with a circumcised man. But for you as a male it is not nice. This means you are doing it for the woman. You know as a guy the foreskin can play tricks on you and you ejaculate quickly before the woman reaches climax. So why is the foreskin removed if it helps during sexual intercourse? So without the foreskin it means that you just insert the head and it takes a long time to sense her and then ejaculate.

      Yes I would agree with that. I now take longer to ejaculate. And sometimes you can end the sex session while you have not even ejaculated. I am talking through experience and this is painful (a painful experience). Sometimes by the time you finish you find that the woman is already too tired because of my delayed ejaculation. So I would say that the foreskin has a role during sex. My main complaint is delayed ejaculation or not ejaculating at all.

      Aber dann:

      But I do not regret too much because I am safer from STIs and I can now easily clean myself.

      1. Gefährlicher Irrglauben
      2. 2-4 Sekunden pro Tag einsparen, ist das der Bringer?

      A friend of mine lied to me and he said after getting circumcised I would enjoy sex better. Also, the MC Ambassador was telling us that you would enjoy sex better after sex. But now it (penis gland) is almost like rubber and there is no longer that feeling when entering the female.

      People have these questions and they accuse MC proponents of not telling the truth about circumcision and only painting a good picture about it. This clearly shows that biomedicine lacks information in this part.

      Ab Seite 49 sind da auch ein par grauselige Bilder von Komplikationen.

      Most participants (both males and females) seemed to have suspicions regarding HIV interventions. They reported that HIV had become a big business and saw interventions such as MC as part of that business.

      Doof sind sie nicht, die Swasis.

      To my surprise, most of my findings were not in harmony with the literature reviewed. For example, fear of loss of sexual pleasure was not found in most literature reviewed in this study.

      Das wundert mich überhaupt nicht. Was den Verstümmelisten nicht in den Kram passt, wird unterdrückt.

      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.
    • Und was wird dann daraus gemacht?

      Es wird so getan, als handelte es sich um unbegründete Befürchtungen, nicht um die tatsächlichen Probleme, die amputierte Männer schildern. So kann man die Dinge auch verdrehen:

      To find out why circumcision had been so unpopular among
      Swazi men, Adams interviewed men in the Kwaluseni district of
      Manzini, Swaziland through a mix of focus group discussions and
      interviews. He found that because men feared reduced sexual
      pleasure and possible adverse effects, Swazi men felt the
      procedure threatened their notions of manhood.
      “A real Swazi man is defined as someone who has a wife and
      children, and is able to take care of family,” Adams told the
      conference. “In order to have a wife and children, a man has to be
      sexually functional – the issue of circumcision introduced a threat to
      Nonetheless, the three large randomised clinical trials found that
      only a small percentage, between 1.5 and 3.8%, of circumcisions
      resulted in complications such as wounds or swelling.

      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.
    • "A Zimbabwe demographic and health survey conducted by the country’s statistics agency in 2010 and 2011, revealed that men between ages 15 and 49, who were circumcised, were slightly more likely to be HIV positive than uncircumcised men.

      Man ist sich trotzdem ganz sicher, dass man nicht irrt:

      Despite these findings, HIV/AIDS expert Professor Gabriel Anabwani, says there is no need to conduct further research to prove the effectiveness of circumcision in curbing HIV transmission.

    • Die Folgerung der Befürworter lautet hier: Wer sich gegen evidenzbasierte medizinische Erkenntnisse zur Wehr setzt, muss ein Problem haben.Entweder er leidet unter völlig irrationalen, bestenfalls kulturell bedingten Wahnphantasien (Angst vor Sensibilitätsverlust) oder er verlagert Probleme, die einen ganz anderen Ursprung haben, auf die Beschneidung (häufiges "Argument" gegenüber Betroffenen) oder (schlimmstensfalls) er ist Antisemit bzw. islamophob (Konsequenz aus dem Medizin-Tsunami der Befürworter vor dem Europarat) oder er verstösst gegen die Rechtsordnung (Pekarek).

      Wenn sich die Wahrnehmung der Sinnlosigkeit der Beschneidung in Afrika weiterverbreitet, wird der Rückschlag für die mit amerikanischen Regierungsgeld gesponserten Befürworter fürchterlich sein.
      "Man muss diese versteinerten Verhältnisse dadurch zum Tanzen zwingen, dass man ihnen ihre eigne Melodie vorsingt!" K.M.
    • Zimbabwe Lawmaker: Stop Infant Circumcision


      PSI’s health director Louisa Norman has been quoted as saying, "If we can circumcise 1.2 million men by 2015 we can prevent 750,000 new cases of HIV, which means we can really start to envision a country in which there are no new HIV infections.”
      • Die Vorhaut kann mit einer Rosenknospe verglichen werden. Wie eine Rosenknospe wird sie erst blühen, wenn die Zeit gekommen ist. Niemand öffnet eine Rosenknospe, um sie zum Blühen zu bringen (Dr. med. H. L. Tan).
      • Alle Wahrheit verläuft in drei Stadien: Im ersten wird sie verlacht. Im zweiten wird sie vehement bekämpft. Im dritten wird sie als selbstverständlich anerkannt (Arthur Schopenhauer).
      • Toleranz wird zum Verbrechen, wenn sie dem Bösen gilt (Thomas Mann)
    • Bei so viel geistiger Schlichtheit und hilfloser Naivität bleibt mir glatt die Spucke weg ;(
      Wenn aus Recht Unrecht wird, wird Widerstand zur Pflicht! (Bertold Brecht)
      Bräuche und Traditionen können den Menschen an jegliche Abscheulichkeiten gewöhnen (G.B. Shaw)
      Nicht unseren Vorvätern wollen wir trachten uns würdig zu zeigen - nein: unserer Enkelkinder! (Bertha von Suttner)
    • Und wir alle werden gezwungen, diese Massenverstümmelung mitzufinanzieren:

      Major donors include the governments of the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and the Netherlands;
      :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:


      Hach, wie die verstümmelten Kinder doch strahlen, das muss Kinder richtig glücklich machen:


      Und das ist ja auch viel billiger-billiger-billiger als die "freiwillige" Erwachsenenverstümmelung!

      EIMC is likely to be an acceptable HIV prevention intervention for most populations in Zimbabwe, if barriers to uptake are appropriately addressed and fathers are specifically targeted by the programme.

      Schön nebulös, aber wir verstehen schon...

      Verstümmelung wie Waschmittel:


      More than 8,900 staff work for PSI and its affiliates.

      Und die machen das ja nicht "für Gotteslohn".

      Aber die Knete kommt ja rein:

      2012 Revenue (budget)

      $546.4 million

      Und das perverse ist: mit beidem lässt sich Spendengelder eintreiben: mit der Verstümmelung von Jungen, und mit dem Kampf gegen die Verstümmelung von Mädchen - das macht die PSI nebenbei auch noch, die lässt nichts vom Tisch gehen!


      Und jetzt kommt der Gipfel, die Krönung der Perversität:

      PSI’s Research Ethics Program is responsible for the ethical and regulatory compliance of research at PSI that involves human subjects. PSI is committed to protecting the rights and welfare of subjects enrolled in its research activities.

      Natürlich was wären Verbrecher ohne "Etihkrat" - völlig aufgeschmissen!


      Matsapha- PSI Swaziland has advanced the male circumcision programme by launching an Early Infant Male Circumcision Programme that allows new born babies to be circumcised.

      Endlich wird das den Babys erlaubt! Vorher war das den Babys nämlich verboten! "Du-du-darfst du nicht!"


      PSI beschäftigt sich natürlich auch mit den bei den einträglichen Geschäften so störenden "Intaktivisten":


      Und dann noch:

      There are no lasting negative health outcomes for men...


      Hach ist das schöööön! Let's circumcise!

      It's really cool - and very quick - and painless!

      Und was für süße Mädels! Und die stehen da voll drauf!

      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.
    • Die Verarsche geht weiter und weiter...

      Hugh, der "Experte" Gabriel Anabwani hat g€sprochen!

      (das mit dem € war jetzt wirklich ein Typo, aber wer weiß? ^^ )

      There is no need for follow research....

      In countries where every male is circumcised the HIV prevalence has never gone above 5 or 6 %, even when you compare people with exactly the same behaviour.

      5 oder 6%? :wacko: OMG, gut dass hier die meisten intakt sind! Wir haben hier 0,1%. :thumbsup:

      Und in Swasiland, wo die Prävalenz weltweit am höchsten ist, da wissen wir jetzt:

      The DHS (2006) of Swaziland also reported that HIV prevalence among circumcised men is 22% and 20% for uncircumcised men.

      Irgendwas hat der "Experte" Professor Anabwani da nicht auf die Reihe gekriegt:

      It has an efficiacy in excess of 60%
      In other words if you vaccinate 100 people, 60 would be protected by that...

      Geil! :thumbsup: :D

      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.