Chabad zu Metzitzah B'peh

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    • Chabad zu Metzitzah B'peh

      The Rabbonim state: The central reason for Metzizah B'peh is the prevention of danger for the newborn; Whoever does not have the courage to stand up and follow the rules should retire from the job, and he is not fit to be a Mohel if he did not do all three parts - Milah, Pri'ah and Metzitzah B'peh ● Obviously, if a Mohel has any sickness which can cause damage, he should not do Metzitzah B'peh

      Practically speaking, the following should be done:

      1) Publicize to all Jews especially those who are not aware of its importance, that there is nothing to worry from Metzitzah B'peh, to the contrary, it is very beneficial even according to the doctors.

      2) The Mohalim should continue the tradition of the Bris as it was until now, without changing anything at all, Heaven Forbid. Whomever does not have the courage to stand up and follow the rules should retire from the job, and he is not fit to be a Mohel if he did not do all three parts - Milah, Pri'ah and Metzitzah B'peh. If there is a case of danger, the Mohel should ask a Rov in his city, and follow his directive. Obviously, if a Mohel has any sickness which can cause damage, he should not do Metzitzah B'peh.…/?url=article_en&id=28330
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