Beschneidung und Patriarchat

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    • Beschneidung und Patriarchat

      Wer an Anthropologie interessiert ist, einen historischen Blick hinter die religiösen Kulissen werfen will und ein bisschen Englisch kann, findet hier einen höchst interessanten Artikel über den Zusammenhang von Beschneidung und Patriarchat. Der These, dass das Patriarchat historisch gesehen die "Antwort" auf den Gebärneid war, und die männlichen Rituale wegen des regelmässig fliessenden Menstruationsblutes ebenfalls blutig sein mussten, wird nicht überall Zustimmung finden. In der Anthropolgie ist sie jedoch unumstritten.

      Conscious Living in Religious Matters. An example: Circumcision | OMTimes Magazine - Part 1

      "In the coming months I would like to publish some blogs about religious living in religious matters. I think it is important to put the official religions in some perspective, so that fanaticism will leave and people can see that some traditions are not holy at all, for example the question of circumcision, a hot topic in Europe at the moment. Medical doctors are more and more reluctant to perform the operation and are warning of all kinds of complications of bleeding, infection, narrowing of the urethra, incontinence, sexual problems later and not to mention the pain a boy suffers. I fear that this will not change the minds of people who are convinced of the religious value of the act of circumcision. What could help to change the minds is to see where and how circumcision originated. Where does it come from and how did it come about?Of course, believers will mention and cite their holy books or traditions. But I think it’s good for the debate when we bring some historical depth to it. I am a supporter of religion-relativization. which means that we are going to see religions in relation to their origin and historical context."
      "Man muss diese versteinerten Verhältnisse dadurch zum Tanzen zwingen, dass man ihnen ihre eigne Melodie vorsingt!" K.M.