Foregen and the Future: A New Direction

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    • Foregen and the Future: A New Direction

      "There is a tremendous unrealized demand for foreskin regeneration around the world, particularly in countries such as the United States where the circumcision rate is high. Since our founding in 2010, Foregen has received the support and appreciation of men from around the world who come from varied ethnic, social, religious and economic backgrounds. These men have one thing in common: a deep, personal interest, and an enormous passion in seeing foreskin regeneration become a reality. The countless emails we have received demonstrate this passion and support for our project and leaves us with no doubt that we will bring foreskin regeneration to fruition." (Hervorhebungen vom mir)

      Foregen and the Future: A New Direction |
      "Man muss diese versteinerten Verhältnisse dadurch zum Tanzen zwingen, dass man ihnen ihre eigne Melodie vorsingt!" K.M.