Es gibt tausend Gründe, gesunden Jungen nicht die Vorhaut zu rauben...
Mohamed Abdel Baky Fahmy, Noor A. Nour , Hasan A Matar , Akhmad Asaad
Matar, Asaad A Matar, Valentin N Pavlov
Phlebectasia and Phlebothrombosis of the Penile Veins in Children
after Non-Medical Circumcision
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Mohamed Abdel Baky Fahmy, Noor A. Nour , Hasan A Matar , Akhmad Asaad
Matar, Asaad A Matar, Valentin N Pavlov
Phlebectasia and Phlebothrombosis of the Penile Veins in Children
after Non-Medical Circumcision
Male circumcision (MC) is associated with a wide
spectrum of complications, which may be early or
late. However, abnormal penile venous vascula-
ture as a complication of MC was not reported
before. The association between post-circumcision
abnormal DPV [dorsale Penisvenen] and penile deviation (lateral
chordee) has also not been studied. It appears to
be secondary to the distorted elastic penile tissue
and altered anatomy that follows MC.(3) This paper
is intended to examine this unusual complication
of MC.
Venenerweiterungen und Venenthrombosen kommen häufiger bei Kindern vor, die einer Zirkumzision unterzogen wurden.Results: Phlebectasia (21/420) and phlebothrombosis (3/420) were more frequently
seen in the circumcised group, but they were rare in the intact group (2/410). These
venous abnormalities were commonly seen in the dorsum of the penis (15/24). In
circumcised patients, the phlebectasia was associated with penile deviation to the
left side in 13 cases and a ventral penile chordee [Penisverkrümmung] in 1 case. But, in uncircumcised
children, the prominent dorsal penile vein was not associated with any chordee. An
associated dilation of the deep dorsal penile vein was confirmed in 15 of the 24
"unnecessary procedure" - und in aller Regel schädlichMale circumcision (MC) is usually practiced for
several reasons, such as social, religious, cultural,
or rarely for medical indications like phimosis.
This unnecessary procedure is largely performed
for secular reasons in the Western world, which is
sustained by a variety of rationalizations such as
aesthetic value. Although MC is considered as one
of the oldest and the most common surgical
procedures practiced globally, recently the rate of
MC has been declining across several countries. (18)
This declining rate may reflect the changes in
demographic patterns and parental beliefs raised
by studies in psychology and ontogeny.
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There is no skin like foreskin