"The girl child on the other hand is luckier."

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    • "The girl child on the other hand is luckier."

      The girl child on the other hand is luckier. She is spared of such comments and trials to exhibit signs of a grown woman. Try initiating the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) to any of the young girls in the name of the traditional right of passage and you will end up in prison. I am left to wonder do we have selective gender laws that only work on the boy child and spare the girl child?

      If we deconstruct this "truth" from a philosophical point of view, we find that more boys end up in crime than girls; there are more boys in the streets than girls; more boys end up in prison than girls; and research shows that more men die faster than women.
      The abuse of a boy child - whether physical, verbal, psychological, or sexual - is always swept under the carpet. But if a girl child is concerned, all hell breaks loose.
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da