Rennes: "Home circumcision goes badly"

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    • Rennes: "Home circumcision goes badly"

      Google Übers. schrieb:

      A website offers home circumcisions in large cities including Rennes. A practice which is not without risk and above all illegal.
      Echt? In Frankreich sind Hausverstümmelungen illegal? Bei uns - seit 2012 - total legal! Ob im Wohnzimmer oder auf dem Küchentisch (auch im berühmten "Hinterzimmer", ja, ja!)

      Google Übers. schrieb:

      After severe complications, children had to be treated by the pediatric emergencies of Rennes University Hospital.Last week, a young child was admitted to the pediatric emergency room of Rennes South Hospital for serious complications after a circumcision done at home. A case which is not exceptional. His parents had called on a man, who claims to be a specialist in circumcision, and who assures that he can intervene, by appointment, in several large cities in France.
      Rest ist hinter paywall…80-11ee-83e6-ea6b7a82d0d2
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da