"Rethinking the Definition of Medicalized Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting"

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    • "Rethinking the Definition of Medicalized Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting"

      Ohne den Volltext gelesen zu haben: Das scheint mal wieder in die Richtung "Freigabe der leichteren Formen der GGM um die bizarre Sonderstellung von BGM zu beenden" zu gehen.
      This paper critically reviews the current World Health Organization (WHO) definition of mFGM/C to demonstrate that mFGM/C, as currently defined, lacks detail and clarity, and may serve as an obstacle to the collection of credible, reliable, and comparable data relevant to targeted FGM/C prevention policies and programs. The paper argues that it is necessary to initiate a discussion on the revision of the current WHO definition of mFGM/C, where different components (who-how-where-what) should be taken into account.

      Ja, verdammt, die "Beschneidung" von Jungen macht das alles so kompliziert! ;)

      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da