Dreiste Hetze: "This is what happens to men who are not circumcised"

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    • Dreiste Hetze: "This is what happens to men who are not circumcised"

      The National Vice President of trained Wanzam ["Beschneider"] operators in Ghana, Akua Afriyie Nkrumah has explained the risk factors of not being circumcised.

      Mrs. Nkrumah was reacting to the Ghana Statistical Service’s 2022 Demographic Health Survey which revealed that, approximately 5 percent of Ghanaian men are not circumcised.
      Und diese verschonten 5% werden jetzt von Frau Nkrumah an den Pranger gestellt.
      Sie würden Krankheiten verbreiten. Erinnert in übler Weise an einen berüchtigten Propaganda-Film von 1940.

      In an interview on Adom FM’s morning show, Dwaso Nsem on Friday, Mrs. Nkrumah said aside the STDs, they are prone to phimosis, penile cancer and urinary tract infections.
      She cautioned uncircumcised men against having multiple partners.
      “Uncircumcised men are more prone to infections and can potentially transmit them, along with other issues such as phimosis, penile cancer, urinary tract infections, and the increased risk of acquiring STDs and syphilis. It is also easily spread if he has multiple partners.

      This is what happened to boys who were not circumcised:

      Beschneidungen mit Todesfolge

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      Nicht nach 40 Jahren, nicht nach einem Tag.