However, what about girls?

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    • However, what about girls?

      In the Jewish tradition, a bris is a religious ceremony that marks the circumcision of a male baby. However, what about girls? Is there a similar ritual for them? The answer is yes, and it is called a “brit bat” or “bris for a girl.”
      Gleichheit im Unrecht? Natürlich nicht...

      A brit bat is a Jewish naming ceremony for a baby girl. It is a joyous occasion where family and friends gather to celebrate the birth of a girl and officially welcome her into the Jewish community.

      What Happens During a Brit Bat?
      During a brit bat, the baby girl is given her Hebrew name, which is chosen her parents. The name is often carefully selected to honor a deceased family member or to reflect the parents’ hopes and aspirations for their daughter. The baby is usually held her parents or another close family member during the ceremony.
      A brit bat typically takes place in a synagogue or at the family’s home. It is conducted a rabbi or a female Jewish leader, who recites blessings and prayers. The ceremony may also include the lighting of candles, the reading of biblical passages, and the singing of traditional songs.

      A brit bat is a beautiful and meaningful ceremony that celebrates the birth of a baby girl in the Jewish community. It is a way for parents to introduce their daughter to her heritage and give her a Hebrew name.
      Eine schöne, völlig schmerz- und angstfreie, kinderfreundliche Art einen einen neuen Erdenbürger zu begrüßen! Super!

      And what about boys?

      Aber, was ist das denn?

      Can a girl have a bris instead of a brit bat?
      While it is uncommon, some families may choose to have a bris for their
      daughter. This decision is usually based on personal or cultural
      Äh - *rätsel* - eine "Beschneidung" für Mädchen?
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da