Desmond Morris: "...the genitals have fallen victim to an amazing variety of mutilations and restrictions"

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    • Desmond Morris: "...the genitals have fallen victim to an amazing variety of mutilations and restrictions"

      Desmond Morris hatte das Thema GM schon 1985 in seinem Buch Bodywatching – A Field Guide to the Human Species auf den Punkt gebracht:

      Desmond Morris schrieb:

      Considering the great delicacy, complexity and sensitivity of the human genitals, one
      might imagine that an intelligent species like man would leave them alone. Sadly, this has
      never been the case. For thousands of years, in many different cultures, the genitals have
      fallen victim to an amazing variety of mutilations and restrictions. For organs that are
      capable of giving us an immense amount of pleasure, they have been given an inordinate
      amount of pain

      So isses, leider!
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da