Some 40% of circumcised respondents said they wanted their foreskins back

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    • Some 40% of circumcised respondents said they wanted their foreskins back

      Should Jewish males be circumcised?


      I’m circumcised. So are all the men in my family. We’re Jews. That’s what we do.
      An online survey conducted by foreskin “intactavist” Brendon Marotta asked 10,000 circumcised men if they’d be willing to have their circumcision reversed and how much they’d be ready to pay.

      Some 40% of circumcised respondents said they wanted their foreskins back. Of these, 22.6% said they would be willing to pay over $20,000 for the procedure.
      Why would men be clamoring for a procedure in such a sensitive area?

      In a word: pleasure.
      The foreskin comprises a third of the skin of the penis – that’s an awful lot of satisfaction being lopped off.

      But how would we know? Since most men are circumcised as infants, we don’t have any way to compare before and after.

      Unless you’re a Russian immigrant to Israel.
      “The feeling in the sexual contact was affected, it was wrecked,” Yuri laments. “There was a great deal less sensitivity, and I needed a higher level of stimulation. I was 16, and I was an idiot.”
      “Seventy percent of them reported that their enjoyment of sexual relations had been adversely affected,” Glazer writes. “Twenty-two percent said there had been a significant decline, 10% said it was medium, and 38% characterized it as a minor drop.”
      Aber das kann ja gar nicht sein, weil die Vorhaut ja lt. Bossio völlig unwichtig ist... :FP01

      Circumcision is far from pain-free, regardless of the recipient’s age or state of stupor.
      Dr. Daniel Shinhar runs a clinic in Tel Aviv that performs circumcision on infants under sedation. He notes that “the pain of circumcision is equal to that of having a tooth pulled without an anesthetic.”
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da