Foreskin restorers: insights into motivations, successes, challenges, and experiences

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    • Foreskin restorers: insights into motivations, successes, challenges, and experiences

      Demographically diverse surveys in the United States suggest that 10–15% of non-voluntarily circumcised American males wish that they had not been circumcised [1, 2]. Similar data are unavailable in other countries.
      Wie hieß das noch 2012 gebetsmühlenartig von Politik und Medien? "Aber von denen hat sich doch noch nie jemand beschwert!"

      An unknown proportion of circumcised males experience acute circumcision-related distress; some attempt to regain a sense of bodily integrity through non-surgical foreskin restoration. Their concerns are often ignored by health professionals.
      Adverse physical, sexual, emotional/psychological and self-esteem impacts attributed to circumcision had motivated participants to seek foreskin restoration. Most sought no professional help due to hopelessness, fear, or mistrust. Those who sought help encountered trivialization, dismissal, or ridicule. Most participants recommended restoration. Many professionals are unprepared to assist this population. Circumcision sufferers/foreskin restorers have largely been ill-served by medical and mental health professionals.
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da