10 Tage alter Junge stirbt während Zirkumision im Krankenhaus

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    • 10 Tage alter Junge stirbt während Zirkumision im Krankenhaus

      The bereaved parents are Mohammed Jamal, 36, who is a private security officer and Halimatu Adams, 27, a fashion designer. On April 3, they took their son to the KNUST Hospital for a male circumcision but had to face the difficult situation of having to return home without their newborn baby had been full of life.
      Full of life - hätte er noch lange sein können.

      While waiting patiently to have their son back and return home with him, the couple heard a loud cry of the baby and it ceased.

      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da