US-Einmischung in Europa: Von Genitalverstümmelung abraten - geht ja gar nicht!

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    • US-Einmischung in Europa: Von Genitalverstümmelung abraten - geht ja gar nicht!

      Wir haben das ja schon 2012 nach dem Kölner Urteil erlebt. Selbst der damalige Präsident Obama hatte sich eingemischt.

      2022, Finnland


      U.S. embassy staff engaged with government ministries to discuss government
      support for religious freedom...
      Embassy staff engaged with
      government officials, civil society, and foreign missions to draw attention to the
      potential impacts of a draft law that would limit religious practices of animal
      slaughter. Embassy staff met with the Jewish and Muslim communities to discuss
      their shared concerns about the impact of government guidelines discouraging
      male circumcision...
      Ministry of Social Affairs and Health guidelines for immigrants’ health and
      wellbeing discouraged the circumcision of males and continued to withhold public
      healthcare funding for such procedures.
      Ein erster Schritt. Und was gibt es da zu meckern?

      In its guidelines, which were
      recommendations rather than requirements per prior Supreme Court rulings, the
      ministry stated only licensed physicians should perform nonmedical circumcision
      of boys, a child’s guardians should be informed of the risks and irreversibility of
      the procedure, and the procedure should not be carried out without their consent
      on boys old enough to understand the procedure. The ministry termed
      nonmedical male circumcision a violation of child bodily integrity and self-
      determinationministry stated only licensed physicians should perform nonmedical circumcision
      of boys, a child’s guardians should be informed of the risks and irreversibility of
      the procedure, and the procedure should not be carried out without their consent
      on boys old enough to understand the procedure. The ministry termed
      nonmedical male circumcision a violation of child bodily integrity and self-
      In September, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare sent a questionnaire to
      over 40 government and civil society stakeholder organizations on the topic of
      “Cultural Diversity” as part of the Childhood without Violence Action Plan. The
      survey asked organizations to “start a discussion about the age limit [for
      circumcision], i.e. to postpone circumcision until the boy can participate in
      decision-making himself.” The survey asked each organization to provide a short
      description of factors that promoted or impeded implementation of the
      discussion and requested information on actions taken since summer 20
      Childhood without Violence - sollte es lt. §1631 BGB (ohne d) bei uns ja auch geben. Aber dann kamen Angela Merkel, Steinmeier, SLS, Beck, Lamprecht, Künast, Thomae, Krings, Montag, Geis, Buchholz, K. Schröder, Thierse, Flachsbarth, Giese....…IGIOUS-FREEDOM-REPORT.pdf
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da