What is female circumcision?

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    • What is female circumcision?

      Circlist schrieb:

      What is female circumcision?

      The term female circumcision properly refers to a surgical procedure (also known as hoodectomy) in which the hood over the clitoris (the clitoral prepuce) is either removed or slit - and nothing more. It is performed in some Muslim countries by tradition. In the west it is done either for medical reasons or (often in conjunction with labioplasty - reduction of the inner lips) for cosmetic reasons and to enhance sexual pleasure.
      Na, dann ist es ja wohl voll OK, wenn man die Genitalien von Mädchen verstümmelt?
      Weil - sonst wäre ja die Verstümmelung der Genitalien von Jungen nicht OK - und das geht nicht!
      Seltsam, dass ersteres verboten ist! ;)
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da