Hatten wir diesen Verstümmler schon? Mohammad A, "It is grotesque and terrible"

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    • Hatten wir diesen Verstümmler schon? Mohammad A, "It is grotesque and terrible"

      Alles Google Übersetzung:
      Politicians criticize the agency for not stopping the circumcision doctor: - It is grotesque and terrible
      - Most of the foreskin has been removed. The procedure is therefore incorrect.
      Hä? Das ist doch meistens Intention! Muss wohl die Übersetzung sein?

      Circumcision of five boys in Sweden, all of whom were hospitalized urgently.
      Had circumcised two boys, who were subsequently hospitalized with complications in the form of infection and possibly substantial loss of luster.
      Verlust am Kronleuchter? So kann man das auch nennen...

      The above is an extract from the reports about the Danish-Syrian doctor 'Mohammad A.', who for at least 14 years has performed circumcisions on male children in his spare time.
      In total, since 2003, the Danish authorities have received reports of at least 27 children who have been circumcised by the doctor - of which at least 16 were hospitalized with serious complications.

      But the doctor was only stopped in 2013 when he voluntarily entered into an agreement with the health authorities to refrain from performing circumcisions.

      However, Mohammad A. violated an agreement when the authorities received a report in 2017 that he had again undergone a circumcision with complications and hospitalization as a result.
      Geht halt schnell und ist lukrativ.

      When Mohammad A. had his authorization revoked temporarily in 2017, the Swedish Patient Safety Authority wanted to make the revocation permanent.

      This requires a court order, but because the agency did not meet the two-year deadline when they had to send the case further through the system, the case fell to the ground.

      In 2019, Mohammad A. therefore got his authorization back.

      And it was not the only case of revocation of authorization that the Swedish Patient Safety Agency failed to bring to a conclusion.
      Wie praktisch für Mohammad!

      Aber jetzt ist alles supi-gut:

      Peder Hvelplund from Enhedslisten trusts that the doctor will now live up to his medical promise
      But the Norwegian Patient Safety Authority refuses to appear for an interview.
      The agency believes that Mohammad A. continues to work as a doctor is not problematic
      Na, dann ist ja alles in Butter! Hoffen wir einfach mal das Beste, ansonsten sind die Jungen halt gekniffen!

      Mohammad A. möchte sich dazu vor der Kamera nicht äußern:


      Norwegen? Ob es sich um jenen Mohammad Zaheer Abbas handelt?

      Dr. Waleed Ben Saleem, General Manager. Dr. Mohammad Zaheer Abbas, Medical Officer. Welcome to us for a painless procedure!

      Fazit: das "staatliche Wächteramt" ist für den Arsch, wenn es um kleine Jungen geht. (Nicht einen Klaps auf den Po!) Aber es ist nicht für die Genitalien.



      Five boys hospitalized

      The National Board of Health is receiving information about Mohammad A.'s work for the first time. He had circumcised five boys, who were subsequently hospitalized. However, it appeared that the circumcisions were done correctly.
      Sweden informs Denmark

      The National Board of Health receives a report from Sweden that Mohammad A. has performed circumcisions on five boys, all of whom were hospitalized urgently with complications. One of the circumcisions was carried out in Denmark.
      Six cases from Sweden

      Swedish authorities forward six cases to the Danish Health Authority regarding circumcisions carried out by Mohammad A.
      New complications

      The Danish Health Authority receives reports of two circumcisions carried out in Mohammad A.'s own home. Both boys were urgently hospitalized with complications.
      Increased supervision

      As a result of recent cases, Mohammad A. comes under increased supervision. This is because the doctor:
      - Did not inform the patients and their parents correctly before the operation
      - Consent for treatment not obtained
      - The treatments were not recorded correctly
      - Correct hygienic technique was not used
      - Did not carry out proper follow-up and post-treatment
      - Illegally imported medicines into Sweden
      Circumcisions at an asylum centre

      Mohammad A. is reported to have performed circumcisions on two boys in a room at an asylum center without informing center staff.
      Warning in Sweden

      Mohammad A. receives a warning from the Swedish authorities in connection with objectionable circumcisions in Sweden. One case in particular makes the difference: A boy has had so much of his foreskin cut off that it was difficult for the plastic surgeons to correct the damage. Swedish authorities estimate that the injury could mean lifelong suffering for the boy.
      Enhanced supervision is lifted

      The Danish Health Authority cancels the increased supervision of Mohammad A., as there is no basis for extending it.
      Police case is dropped

      The National Board of Health receives a report that Mohammad A. has circumcised a boy who was placed outside the home without consent, while the boy was with his mother. The police drop the case due to a lack of evidence.
      Report from the police

      The Danish Health Authority is informed by the police that Mohammad A. has performed a circumcision in the boy's own home. The boy was subsequently hospitalized.
      Consultation in own apartment

      Sweden informs the National Board of Health that Mohammad A. continues to perform circumcisions in Sweden. The police in Malmö have investigated an apartment that functioned as a doctor's consultation.
      Two boys are hospitalized after circumcision

      The Danish Health Authority receives a report that two boys have been hospitalized with complications after circumcision performed by Mohammad A. The complications include infection and possible loss of parts of the gloss in one of the boys.
      Conversation with the board

      The Danish Health Authority calls Mohammad A. for an interview after several supervisory cases where boys have been hospitalized after circumcisions performed by him. The frequency of infection "significantly exceeded the expected frequency of infection", assesses the agency.
      Waives the right to circumcisions

      Mohammad A. informs the Danish Health Authority that he voluntarily waives the right to perform ritual circumcisions.
      April 5
      Wants the right to circumcisions back

      Mohammad A. asks the Swedish Patient Safety Agency (STPS) to revoke his voluntary waiver of the right to perform circumcisions. He also announces that he has started performing circumcisions again on 1 April 2017.
      April 7
      Do not perform circumcisions

      STPS announces that Mohammad A. may not perform circumcisions as long as he is restricted.
      the 20th of April
      Boy hospitalized after circumcision

      STPS receives a report that a two-year-old boy has been hospitalized after a circumcision performed by Mohammad A.
      April 21
      Withdrawal of authorization

      STPS decides that Mohammad A. is deprived of his medical license because he had unlawfully resumed his circumcision business. For the same reason, he is reported to the police for violating the Authorization Act.
      June 29
      A fine is imposed

      Mohammad A. is fined at the Court in Roskilde and deprived of his authorization for two years.
      The case is sent to the Attorney General

      STPS sends the case to the Attorney General with a view to permanently removing Mohammad A.'s authorization. The case is later submitted to the Council of Medical Examiners - this is a requirement for filing a case at the court.

      It happens one year and four months after the agency stripped Mohammad A. of his authorization.
      The district court upholds the verdict

      Østre Landsret confirms the criminal sentence from June of the same year.
      Deprivation of authorization is void

      The barrister announces that they have not yet received a response from the Council of Medical Examiners. At this time, Mohammad A.'s temporary authorization withdrawal has lapsed, as due to the lack of response from the Council of Forensic Medicine it has not been possible to submit a petition for extension or permanent withdrawal.
      Again waives the right to circumcision

      During a conversation with STPS, Mohammad A. once again waives – voluntarily – the right to perform circumcisions. This is registered as time-limited.
      No longer a clinic in the home

      STPS ascertains during an inspection that Mohammad A. no longer has a clinic in his home. The board is informed by Mohammad A.'s new employer that there is nothing to delay in his current work. STPS therefore has no basis for sanctioning Mohammad A. further.
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.