Versteht das einer? "Participants who were not circumcised reported significantly greater happiness with their circumcision status..:"

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    • Versteht das einer? "Participants who were not circumcised reported significantly greater happiness with their circumcision status..:"

      Participants reported being born in the United States (n = 80), Canada (n = 23), and various countries within Latin America (n = 22), Europe (n = 49), Asia (n = 13), Africa (n = 11), and Oceania (n = 7). Participants who were not circumcised reported significantly greater happiness with their circumcision status than participants who were circumcised.
      Aha. Wer hätte das gedacht? ;)

      However, genital self-image, sexual body image, and sexual functioning did not significantly differ by circumcision status.

      Instead, participants who reported being happier with their circumcision status reported better genital self-image and less body exposure avoidance during sex...

      Also intakte Männer sind eher zufrieden mit ihrem Status, und Männer, die zufriedener mit ihrem Status sind haben ein besseres genitales Selbstbild, aber beim geintalen Selbstbild macht dann die Intaktheit auf einmal nicht mehr aus?

      Das finde ich besonders interessant:
      Although researchers hypothesized that happiness with circumcision status would depend on whether one fits in with the majority circumcision status within their region of origin, results did not support this. Participants who were circumcised tended to have less happiness with their circumcision status than non-circumcised participants regardless of region of birth.
      2012 Wurde doch immer gesagt, dass sich "in den Communities" noch nie einer beschwert hätte. Ob sich Viele einfach gar nicht trauen?
      Vielleicht sollte man das dann Kindern einfach nicht mehr antun?

      Der Schluss, den die Autorinnen ziehen ist dann wieder seltsam:

      These findings support a small body of the literature which suggests that the psychosexual impact of penile circumcision may rely more on attitudinal factors toward circumcision status than actual circumcision status.


      Although researchers hypothesized that happiness with circumcision status would depend on whether one fits in with the majority circumcision status within their region of origin, results did not support this. Participants who were circumcised tended to have less happiness with their circumcision status than non-circumcised participants regardless of region of birth.
      Weist doch eher auf das Gegenteil hin? Selbst in Umgebungen die "Pro-BGM" sind gibt es die Unzufriedenheit und das negative Selbstbild durch GM.
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da