The Secret Injustice: Circumcising Infants is Wrong

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    • The Secret Injustice: Circumcising Infants is Wrong

      Gut-churning feelings washed over me: confusion, disgust, and, most of all, violation. My body had been altered irrevocably without my consent. No one had ever told me; rather, an internet rabbit hole impersonally informed me that I could never live in the body in which I was originally born. I never had a say in it, because they had done it to me hours after I was born.
      Willy Brandt: "Es wächst zusammen, was zusammen gehört"
      Leider gilt das nicht für die Teile des Penis.
      Einmal abgetrennt wächst die Vorhaut nicht mehr mit dem Rest-Penis zusammen.
      Nicht nach 40 Jahren, nicht nach einem Tag.