Was für ein elendiges Geschwurbel

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    • Was für ein elendiges Geschwurbel

      Dem nach müssten alle intakten Männer (also 2/3 der männlichen Weltbevölkerung und rd. 85% der Männer in D) sentimental, "touchy" (empfindlich, gefühlsduselig) sein und einen Mutterkomplex haben. Fast 100% der Frauen sowieso, weil ja auch intakt. Sie wären nicht an die "ruthless" (rabiate) Welt gewöhnt. (Genitalverstümmelung als Abhärtung)

      Circumcision as originally practiced in aboriginals made sure that the ritual is performed with intricate care and detail such that the boy is fully cured of mother complex.
      Offenbar hat den Joseph Campbell leider niemand von seinen Komplexen geheilt.

      WP schrieb:

      Campbell has also been accused of antisemitism by some authors. In a 1989 New York Review of Books article, Brendan Gill accused Campbell of both antisemitism and prejudice against blacks.[82] Gill's article resulted in a series of letters to the editor, some supporting the charge of antisemitism and others defending him. However, according to Robert S. Ellwood, Gill relied on "scraps of evidence, largely anecdotal" to support his charges.[83] In 1991, Masson also accused Campbell of "hidden anti-Semitism" and "fascination with conservative, semifascistic views"
      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.