Religious circumcision can result in dreadful complications in children and adolescents

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    • Religious circumcision can result in dreadful complications in children and adolescents

      Circumcision has complications even in expert hands. Religious circumcision can result in dreadful complications in children and adolescents.

      Although glans injury is more common in the hands of untrained practitioners, these injuries have also been reported after standard circumcision performed by trained surgeons...

      The likelihood of injury is also higher if the circumcision is performed in newborns in the presence of swelling, without general anesthesia.

      Common complications after glans replantation include meatal stenosis, hypospadias, fistula, and glans necrosis. Repercussions range from functional (erectile dysfunction) to cosmetic (near total amputation of the glans) to psychological.

      Schon allein deshalb darf das nicht erlaubt werden. Weil die Betroffenen in die Risiken nicht einwilligen können.…2;epage=314;aulast=Sharma
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.