Women empowerment framework to promote voluntary medical male circumcision uptake

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    • Women empowerment framework to promote voluntary medical male circumcision uptake

      Die perfiden Methoden der Verstümmelungsindustrie:

      This study developed a women empowerment framework, from literature gathered on
      the role of women and women identified as significant elements within social support
      systems to promote VMMC uptake. Knowledgeable women have increased negotiating
      power and are capable to influence, teach, sway, persuade and convince men and boys
      about VMMC to promote VMMC uptake
      Was zur Hölle ist da noch "freiwillig" dran?

      When one has power, they are able to decide and
      influence others on decisions.

      Information support involves the women creating awareness and educating
      men about VMMC. The women give emotional support to their nervous and jittery
      partners and sons before and after the procedure through counselling and
      encouragement. Companionship support involves women influencing and persuading
      men to take up VMMC ...
      Schanghaien, über den Tisch ziehen nennt man das.

      Willy Brandt: "Es wächst zusammen, was zusammen gehört"
      Leider gilt das nicht für die Teile des Penis.
      Einmal abgetrennt wächst die Vorhaut nicht mehr mit dem Rest-Penis zusammen.
      Nicht nach 40 Jahren, nicht nach einem Tag.