Ganz andere Häute

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    • Ganz andere Häute

      Das musste ja kommen:
      Hier postuliert ein Mr. Jacobs. dass die Zerstörung der Penis-Vorhaut natürlich ganz was anderes ist als die Zerstörung der Klitoris-Vohaut ist. Dass man das erstere nicht verbieten kann, das zweite schon.
      Das wäre keine Diskriminierung.
      Und wie wichtig und wohltuend Religion für die Gesellschaft ist....

      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.
    • Merkwürdigerweise war Jacobs 2016 noch deutlich anderer Meinung:

      Category 1 includes procedures that should almost never have
      a lasting effect on morphology or function if performed prop-
      erly. A small nick in the vulvar skin fits into this category.
      Category 2 consists of procedures that create morphological
      changes, but are not expected to have an adverse effect on
      reproduction or on the sexual satisfaction of the woman or her
      partner. Examples include surgical retraction of the clitoral
      hood or procedures resembling elective labiaplasty as performed
      in Western nations. Surgical resection of the clitoral hood is the
      vulvar procedure that most closely resembles male circumcision

      While any proced-
      ure is associated with several predictable short-term risks
      (namely bleeding and infection), the long-term sequelae should
      be rare for Category 1 and Category 2 procedures. In a WHO
      study, there were no statistically significant differences in health
      outcomes between those women that underwent Type I surgery
      (equivalent to our Category 2) and those that had no surgery

      Critics of FGA have pointed out that there is no medical
      benefit to factor in the risk versus benefit calculus so often used
      in medicine and when compared with male circumcision.29
      However, up to recently, the medical benefits of male circumci-
      sion were also thought to be tenuous, contested or so minor
      that circumcision was classified as an elective, cosmetic proced-
      ure.1 Thus, disallowing Categories 1 and 2 of FGA because it
      lacks medical benefit is an unjust and inappropriate hurdle to
      Hat er dafür zu viel Schimpfe bekommen? Weil es ja um "Frauenrechte!!!" geht?…hics-2014-102375.full.pdf

      Siehe auch:

      Arora KS, AJ Jacobs: Weibliche genitale Änderung: eine Kompromisslösung
      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.