Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon kämpft gegen Antisemitismus in der Anti-BGM-Bewegung

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    • Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon kämpft gegen Antisemitismus in der Anti-BGM-Bewegung

      Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon schrieb:

      In February of this year when Brendon Marotta, director of the documentary film American Circumcision (2017) self-published his second book, he included a chapter in it about Jews. Brendon was once a friend and I both helped him with his film and contributed to his Kickstarter campaign for it. This was before I learned that he had been radicalized in online alt-Right spaces and had hidden his extremist views on race from me.
      Das ist in der Tat sehr enttäuschend. Denn der Film an sich ist gut.

      And this is where you come in, dear reader. I hope you have found my experiences interesting and informative. If you’ve made it this far, I have a request. The next time you hear a man complain about the effects of his circumcision, instead of laughing at or dismissing him, try listening with compassion instead. I know it sounds quaint, but it’s actually really important. Every man who has a safe place to talk about his feelings around this topic is one less target for the bigots. And we could all do with a little less bigotry and a little more compassion in the world.
      Das kann man nur unterstreichen! :thumbup:
      Willy Brandt: "Es wächst zusammen, was zusammen gehört"
      Leider gilt das nicht für die Teile des Penis.
      Einmal abgetrennt wächst die Vorhaut nicht mehr mit dem Rest-Penis zusammen.
      Nicht nach 40 Jahren, nicht nach einem Tag.