Kennt jemand den Wortlaut dieses Plans?10-point plan to be taken up by parliamentary groups
The conference also saw the publication of a 10-point plan, dubbed “the 10 commandments” by the EJA, to eradicate anti-Semitism and the establishment of parliamentary working groups to drive this process forward.
The plan, which will be taken forward by parliamentary working groups from across Europe, encourages member states to safeguard the right of Jewish people within the E.U. to practice religious customs such as kosher ritual slaughter and circumcision as fundamental rights.
Was sind das für "parlamentarische Arbeitsgruppen"?
Wer sind die Akteure dort?
Ist das, was da läuft transparent?…-rights-across-continent/
Ex iniuria ius non oritur
Aus Unrecht entsteht kein Recht
Aus Unrecht entsteht kein Recht