...yet very little thought is given to male circumcision

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    • ...yet very little thought is given to male circumcision

      ...yet very little thought is given to male circumcision which is considered ethical and potentially medically beneficial as well as hygienic. Rebecca Steinfield, a political scientist in America, goes as far as saying that the reasons for the difference in opinion stem from sexism, and that we are outraged about female cutting because little girls are vulnerable, whereas we're less concerned about male circumcision because boys are seen as a stronger sex who can withstand pain.
      Rebecca Steinfield hatte sich bereits 2011 mit diesem Artikel hervorgetan:


      Whilst this is positive, the facts of the matter are that the child was cut substantially which resulted in significant blood loss and her having to seek immediate medical care whiich triggered a safeguarding process and police investigation.

      Ganz wie 2012 in Köln. Wenn es nicht gerade in die Notaufnahme geht, schaut alles geflissentlich weg.

      Das Urteil des LG Köln hätte auch eine "landmark decision" sein können.
      Aber eine Frau namens Angela Merkel hatte was gegen das Urteil, hatte was gegen den Schutz von Jungen. Dies Frau, die ansonsten meint: "Entscheidungen unabhängiger Gerichte sind umzusetzen"
      Merkel war die treibende Kraft dabei, und das werde ich ihr nie verzeihen.

      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.