Manitoba: Aus Versehen Medikalisierung beschlossen

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    • Manitoba: Aus Versehen Medikalisierung beschlossen

      aber subito zurückgepfiffen.

      Manitoba’s medical regulator has been caught on the back foot after inadvertently drafting a confusing new standard of practice that would effectively force all ritual Jewish circumcision ceremonies into an approved medical clinic or hospital....
      “No, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba is not banning male circumcisions, nor is it something we could do,” reads the opening line of a damage control statement Friday from the College.
      It acknowledged that its working group “did not consult with the Jewish community in its early development of the draft.” It also expressed gratitude for feedback received now, and promised to review “every single comment” before coming up with a revised standard of practice by the end of the year.
      The College pledged to change the rule....…sion-ritual-into-hospital

      Eine OP im Krankenhaus - unzumutbar. Komisch, sonst eigentlich Standard.
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da