Sex, HIV and medically circumcised males

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    • Sex, HIV and medically circumcised males

      This chapter focuses on the sexual practices of medically circumcised males in Harare. Voluntary medical male circumcision of HIV-negative males arose to reduce HIV transmission and infection rates, from females to males. As part of the national crisis facing the country, Zimbabwe has a high rate of HIV infections, and male medical circumcision began in Harare in 2009. This form of circumcision was meant to complement already-existing methods of limiting HIV transmissions, such as condom use, abstinence and faithfulness to one sexual partner. The chapter examines the possibility that circumcised males, confident of their extra protection, may adopt risk-compensation practices (such as multiple concurrent sexual partners), thereby not only putting themselves at risk of HIV but also their female partners. In this context, by unpacking the diverse upbringings, experiences and perspectives of the circumcised males, the chapter demonstrates how they negotiate their post-circumcision lives when it comes to sexual practices. Given their notions of masculinity, this includes how they go about accessing condoms, the reasoning behind not using condoms consistently and correctly, and how they depict and relate to women in their sexual interactions.…/10.4324/9781003026327-10
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