Botched ritual circumcisions behind dozens of hospitalisations every year

    • Botched ritual circumcisions behind dozens of hospitalisations every year

      Since 2015 there have been over 200 cases of boys being hospitalised with complications following the controversial procedure
      Just today we had a complication due to a circumcision. Last Friday there was another case. I estimate that we have two serious complications following circumcisions here every month,” Torsten Lauritsen, a leading doctor at the city hospital Rigshospitalet, told TV2 News.

      Amputation and missing skin
      The stats showed that over the past five years a total of 212 hospitalisations involving “complications after circumcision” have been registered.
      In 32 of the cases, a diagnosis was
      behind the hospitalisation, but in the remaining 180 cases a
      circumcision was performed despite no diagnosis being made
      It’s hopeless to see these small boys show up with a penis that has part of it amputated or skin missing. It’s heart wrenching and pointless.”
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.